Subscribe to DevPass and get a library of developer training!

Subscribe to DevPass and get a library of developer training!

What is DevPass?

A whole library of training for one monthly subscription

Hours of HD
Full Courses
(And Counting!)
Total Value
All Mastercourses

Subscribe to DevPass and get a library of developer training!

Subscribe to DevPass and get a library of developer training!

What You Get When You Subscribe

The DevPass is packed with value

  • Check Mark 28 Full Courses
  • Check Mark 380+ Hours of HD Content
  • Check Mark View on Any Device
  • Check Mark Comprehensive Training
  • Check Mark Future Courses Included
  • Check Mark Access to Student Forum
  • Check Mark Relevant Source Code
  • Check Mark Any Course Updates
  • Check Mark Easy to Follow Lessons
  • Check Mark Course Certificates
Tim Corey Image

Meet Tim

I learned software development the hard way, with lots of dead-ends, confusion, and knowledge gaps. I kept thinking, “It shouldn't be this hard!”

Now I teach students how to think and code like professional developers. My goal is to make it easier for you to become a developer.


Years Experience




Hours Content


Microsoft MVP

Why Learn From Tim

The easier path to developer

Real Training Card
Real World Card
Real Smart Card
Money Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

I do my best to provide the highest quality training to help you become a successful developer. But if the DevPass isn't for you, then you can count on a no-hassle 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Subscribe to DevPass

What are you waiting for? Subscribe now to begin or get better as a developer!

DevPass Monthly Subscription Overview Card Image

DevPass Monthly

Gain streaming access to a massive library of developer training for a low recurring monthly rate.

$65.00 /month
DevPass Yearly Subscription Overview Card Image

DevPass Yearly

Gain streaming access to a massive library of developer training for a recurring yearly rate and save!

$650.00 /year
DevPass Business Overview Card Image

DevPass Business

Gain streaming access to a massive library of developer training with added benefits for your business.

Subscription Savings

To help you succeed as a developer long term, we automatically lower your DevPass monthly subscription price by 15% after three consecutive months for the duration of the subscription.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the DevPass include all of Tim's courses?

The DevPass includes all the currently available courses Tim offers with the exception of preorder and bonus courses.

What is the difference between DevPass and course purchases?

The DevPass includes streaming access to over 30 courses and the ability to download the source code used in each course. Downloading courses for offline viewing, lifetime access, and bonuses are only available to those who purchase a course.

Is the Game Development Mastercourse included in the DevPass?

Short answer: Not yet. Longer answer: The GDMC is currently a preorder and is not included in the DevPass. But when the course is complete it will be immediately added to the DevPass.

Is there a “Subscription Savings” for DevPass Yearly subscribers?

No, because the reduced rate is already built into the DevPass Yearly subscription price.

Am I able to download course-related source code with the DevPass subscription?

Yes. The majority of courses come with source code to download.

I still have questions about the DevPass. Where can I find out more?

For more information, view this article: DevPass Overview

I want to purchase multiple passes for my business or team. How do I do that?

We love helping businesses empower their employees. Check out this article to learn more: How IAmTimCorey Supports Businesses